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School Profile

Doreen Primary School is a small semi- rural primary school set amongst farmland located in Melbourne’s northern green wedge. The school is now drawing students from both rural and outer suburban settings. In the last decade, the school’s enrolments have more than doubled. In 2023 the school has a total of 165 enrolments and 13 FTE staff, including 1 principal class (teaching 0.3), 8.4 FTE teachers and 3.6 FTE education support staff.

The school has a long and proud history, being established in 1867, and educates children to be active participants in the future. We have children attending who are the sixth generation of families in the community, and we take pride in including the community in the educational journey of students. At Doreen Primary School, our aim is to provide a safe and supportive environment for the whole school community that encourages independence in social and academic situations; fosters positive risk taking; develops and nurtures resilience; provides an environment where both positive and negative consequences of actions are respected; values respect for all members of the community; fosters the notion that a student’s best efforts are an achievement they should aim for and be proud of; and includes all stakeholders in decision making.

The culture of a smaller extended family atmosphere is imperative and there is a high level of community engagement with the school. Children feel they belong at Doreen, and that they are known. These are just two of the factors we believe increases their engagement, and ultimately their success. The provision of quality experiences is a priority, and the school offers specialist classes in Physical Education, Art, Music and Auslan, as well as a strong focus on core elements of mathematics, language and literacy, and the integrated curriculum. School performance reports indicate strong academic outcomes for students, and students are supported by intervention programs and classroom extension to meet their learning needs at any given time.

The Arts are well represented at Doreen PS. The school has several rock bands, choirs and drumming groups run by a music teacher and tutors. Performances take place both at school and in the community. The visual arts program is run by a teacher who is a practicing artist and involves several visiting artists over the school year. The program has resulted in several school-based art installations.

Doreen Primary School students run a Junior School Council which aims to develop leadership skills, teamwork skills, resilience, and positive behaviour, and also involves community projects.

School facilities have been maintained and developed over the last 5 years, with the support and engagement of the local community. This has included school funded installation of synthetic turf on the school oval with natural grass surrounds, retaining walls, mulch and plantings, and the installation of a landscaped sandpit. Currently a $5.387M project is underway, to build a new administration building and learning centre with four classrooms. Construction is planned to begin by the end of 2023.

 75 Doctors Gully Rd, Doreen.  3754                   Principal:  David Jovanovski             9717 3563            ABN 38 171 011 569                 

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