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David Jovanovski

153 years ago, the local landowners in Hazelglen and Nutfield decided they would like a school. They applied to the Colony of Victoria and were allowed to develop the first school in the area on Chapel Lane about 1km from the Yan Yean Road. In 1899 it was decided to move the school further south so fences were cut, a large dray used, and the school was brought to its current day location in Doctors Gully Road.

In 1923 the name of the school went from Hazelglen to Doreen Primary school, with many theories as to where the new area name of Doreen came from, but none that have been proven.

The reason I give this brief mention of our schools history is that this school values that tradition. It values the fact that Doreen was a school before Australia was a country, and has constantly taken its role as educating children to ensure they are active participants in the future as a major foundation for what this school is about. It has children attending who are the sixth generation of families who have been part of this community. This school takes pride in including its community in the educational journey it is taking its students on, and we all want to see Independent, Self-motivated and Resilient children leave us to become participants in the world they live in.

We don’t just write our values down, nor talk clichés and make contemporary statements about  what our school is. We believe in a Culture that engages, effectively educates, extends and expands the children in our care. Our children feel like they belong at this school, and this is their school. Children are involved in decision making with facility development, Fundraising, Community Support Projects, Junior School Council and finally in areas of their classroom activities.

 75 Doctors Gully Rd, Doreen.  3754                   Principal:  David Jovanovski             9717 3563            ABN 38 171 011 569                 

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