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General Info

2023 Term Dates

Term 1

29th January to 28th March
(Students start on 30st January)

Term 2

15th April to 28 June

Term 3

15th July to 20th September

Term 4  
7th October to 20th December

    2024 Fees
Yearly fees for 2021 have been set at $280.00 per child. 
The breakdown is as follows:

$130.00 - Books, Stationery, Readers and Photocopying
$ 60.00  ICT Computer replacement and Programs
$ 15.00  - Swimming supplement
$ 25.00 -  Art Supplies
$ 30.00 - Phys Ed sports equipment, Jets Gym Supplement
$ 20.00 - Musical Instruments, replacements.

Fees can by paid all at once, quarterly or by setting up a direct deposit to be paid into the school account weekly, fortnightly or monthly, whichever suits best.  Contact the office for further information.

Office Hours
The office is open from Monday to Friday from 8.30 - 4.00

School Hours
9.00 Start of School Day
11.00 - 11.30 Morning Recess
1.30 - 2.30 Lunch
3.30  Finish of School Day 



Lunch Orders
We run lunch orders every Wednesday using the Munch Monitor service.  Here are the instructions to login. 

Munch Monitor

We have an assembly on Monday mornings at 9.00am .   All parents are welcome to attend.

Uniform is available from the Office. Please label all items after purchasing  so that they don't get lost.  The school uniform price list below shows details of items available.

Uniform Price List

Online Uniform Order

Lost Property
Our lost property tub can get quite full so we request that parents and children check the tub from time to time to find anything that may have been misplaced. Ensuring that all clothing is labelled will help eliminate this problem.

Children should arrive at school for a 9.00 am start.  Should your child be away from school or be coming in later we require notification from you either through the Compass app or by telephone call. If we have not received a notification by 10am we are required to contact you to confirm the absence  so it would be greatly appreciated if these notifications are made early. 

All medications need to be delivered straight to the office by parent/carer along with a  completed authority form. The medication will be stored in the kitchen and the authority sent on to the classroom teacher by the office .  Below is a link to the authority form or alternatively copies may be collected from the office.

 Medication Authority

 75 Doctors Gully Rd, Doreen.  3754                   Principal:  David Jovanovski             9717 3563            ABN 38 171 011 569                 

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