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Computer Games

Over the past five years our grade 3 class then our grade 5 classes, under the guidance of Mr. Miller, created and submitted entries into the Computer Game section of the ACMI Screen it competition, and with great success.  It has been a fantastic educational activity and has given the students the opportunity to showcase their  computer coding skills. Below is a summary of each game and a link to install and play. 


NOVA - 2015 Winner - Theme: Change
Grade 3

Screen Shot

After a futuristic spaceship begins to destruct, clone 0954 ends up on an island full of people in the very distant past. Here Clone 0954 must complete missions for the townsfolk. This was our first entry into the competition and was done by our grade 3 class as Mr Miller was teaching this grade at the time. The students had fun creating missions and doing voices for the game as well as designing the areas


Install Instructions

Click here to download the Game folder
Extract file. Once folder has been downloaded open and click on the Game.exe File to play

 Motts Mansion - 2016 Special Mention - Theme: Mystery

Grade 5


A family moves to a house but suddenly the little girl goes missing. The is up to the big brother to try and save her. Who is the mysterious man on the stairs? The students imported themselves into the game and had their characters walking around. They enjoyed making a song to put in the game.

Screen Shot


Install Instructions

Click here to download Game Folder
Right Click on Mots Mansion Folder and chose extract. Once the folder is downloaded open and click on Mots_Mansion.exe to play

The Llama that Wondered a Bit too Far - 2018 Winner - Theme: Curiosity
Grade 5


Lil' Jimmy the llama wondered what it would be like to live amongst humans. He goes to many places but the humans just don't understand and throw things at him. It is up to Lil' Jimmy to run, jump and spit his way to the end. The class quickly decided on a llama for the character. They wanted to have a llama try and be a human. They also had fun making objects and creating their own characters.

Screen Shot


Install Instructions

Click here to Install
Extract and click on file. This will place an icon on Desktop if option chosen during installation

Franky Fermata's Musical Maze of Madness - 2019 Winner - Theme: Listen
Grade 5


Franky Fermata has stolen all of the musical notes and put them in his Maze of Madness. It is up to Sunny to try and save them. The class came up with the idea of a maze and having to listen to sounds in the maze to try and find things. Sunny can walk around and has to listen out for the notes to try and find them.

Screen Shot


Install Instructions

Click here to Install
Extract Folder, open and click on Frankie Fermata.exe

The Terrific Tale of Tortoise the Tiny Time Turning Turtle - 2017 Winner - Theme: Time

Grade 5


Tortoise the Turtle eats the Grand time Master Butterfly and gets the power of time. He can slow down time, but now the butterflies have sent out an army of food to attack him. He has to fight the food and has to make a difficult choice at the end. The kids wanted a tarsier to start with but it was too tricky to draw. They settled on a turtle. They liked the idea of controlling time. They loved building the levels block by block. This was the first game where the students made their own sound effects for the game.

Screen Shot


Install Instructions

Click here to Play Game
Extract file and click. When you click on this link the game opens straight up.  Don't forget to have sound turned on.

 75 Doctors Gully Rd, Doreen.  3754                   Principal:  David Jovanovski             9717 3563            ABN 38 171 011 569                 

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