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Teacher - Di Zobel

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                                                                                               Pictures of Uluru
Di visited Uluru and returned with a number of photos to inspire the students to create these beautiful dry pastel drawings.

                   Grade 4 Fish
Students started with pen and ink work to develop alot of detail and pattern then they added dye for colour and turned the picture into a collage. 

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 Grade 5 Mirrors
Grade 5 have just finished decorating these beautiful mirrors. They undercoated with  Vipond paint and worked over that with posca pens.  

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  Stick People
Grade 1 students have decorated stick people with coloured paper and wool tops on both back and front. The grade 4 class have created 3 dementional people on cardboard using felt and wool. 

Grade 1                                     Grade 4

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  Grade 6 Sketch Books
Here are some of the images that Grade 6 have produced in their sketch books. Exercises include perspective, collage, pen and ink, and stencil work.

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Here are some collages made by our Prep class. They were learning about
Symmetry and printing, and collage

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  Grade 2 Printing
The drawings were carved into a foam print board, inked and multiple copies were made. These prints were hand coloured.

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 75 Doctors Gully Rd, Doreen.  3754                   Principal:  David Jovanovski             9717 3563            ABN 38 171 011 569                 

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